My Second Brain


March 2, 2025

I've gone more than a month without journaling, mainly due to being in a funk. Outside of work, my motivation levels have been non-existent. So I've barely done any coding or tinkering. No journaling either.

I have made progress on my goal to lose weight, however. Logging my daily meals and watching calories has resulted in about a six pound drop in the past two months. Not drinking alcohol during this time has certainly helped as well. I am allowing for a single beer each night: A can of Guinness Stout draft is about 150 calories. But that won't be an every day thing.

Earlier today, I upgraded Eleventy Notes, the framework I use for this site. The upgrade added page nav functions to notes for previous and next notes. It worked fine in my local development environment but not in production. The links appeared but weren't formatted properly. After reviewing the CSS changes, I ended up reverting back to the prior version. I'll have to dig deeper when I have more time.

I also spent some time tinkering today with local LLMs on my desktop PC. It has an integrated AMD 680M GPU but I don't think the GPU is being used. I want to use Ollama on it. However, I think that requires a dedicated GPU like my gaming laptop does. The 4060Ti GPU in that runs local AI models quite well.

Even so, I was able to run a decent model desktop, getting around 10 tokens per second. Not blazing fast, but not useless either.


To do this, I installed LMStudio on Arch Linux. Theoretically it supports the iGPU. Upon first glance of my system, however, I thinkt the CPU is doing all of the work. Another thing to look into because LMStudio is a nice tool.

I had tried a few self-hosted bookmarking apps but wasn't impressed with any of them. Then I found out about Hoarder and I love it.

It's running fine on the homelab server and I configured secure access to the app from outside the home network. Now I can view or add bookmarks from a browswer anywhere. There's also a decent iOS version of the app for reading or saving links on the go.


I also have it connected to OpenAI with an API key so the links are automatically tagged. I can get AI sumnaries as well. I added $10 to my Open AI account and even though I have a handful of links tagged and requested a few summaries, I haven't even used a penny of that credit it. Hoarder's developer says you can expect to auto tag around 3,000 articles for a buck. Or you can run inference for 1000+ images for that same dollar.